American Artist: Sarah Goodridge
Jacksonian Era Gentleman
(One of a Pair of Portrait Miniatures
of a Husband and Wife)
circa 1830-1835
by Sarah Goodridge (1788-1853)
1 7/16 x 1 15/16 inches (sight)
watercolor on ivory; housed under glass in a later (ca. 1850) thermoplastic
"sixth plate" Union case by Samuel Peck & Co., of New Haven, Connecticut
A view of the portrait outside its case, allowing its colors and
brush strokes to be seen more clearly without the distortion or
reflection that is often caused by the glass lens of a miniature's case
(Click + symbol above for an enlarged view)
A full view of the miniature's open case, with embossed velvet lining the left panel
(Click + symbol above for an enlarged view)
Other portraits in the Tormey-Holder Collection by Sarah Goodridge
(click photos for larger views and additional information):
Jacksonian Era Lady
(One of a Pair of Portrait Miniatures
of a Husband and Wife)
Jacksonian Era Lady
Jacksonian Era Lady Wearing a High-Back
Lace Collar and a Coral-Colored Shawl
Jacksonian Era Gentleman